Luxury skincare medspa
awaits you in
Los Angeles

Experience the art of skincare at Dermaster Medical Aesthetic Clinic

free consultation

스스로 빛나는 피부와 만나다

리쥬란 | Rejuran

#피부재생 #피부결개선 #모공축소 #수분충전

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혁신적인 피부 재생 솔루션​

포텐자 | Potenza

하나의 장비로 피부의 젋음을 되찾으세요. 맞춤형 치료로 최상의 결과를 경험하세요.

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안티에이징을 위한 최고의 선택

울쎄라 | Ulthera

수술없이 페이스 리프팅을 유도하는 주름과 처친 피부에 탄력을 부여하여 젊고 건강한 피부를 되찾을 수 있습니다.

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고분자 PLA (폴리탁타이드) + HA (히알부론산) 결합

스컬트라 | Sculptra

#자연스러운볼륨 #피부탄력 #잔주름 #피부결개선

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Dermaster Frontpage Botox Xeomin Allergan

FDA-Approved Solutions

보톡스 | Botox

Delivering Safe, Effective, and FDA-Certified Wrinkle Treatments with Allergan and Xeomin for Lasting Results

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#피부보습 #피부결개선 #촉촉한광채 #수분충전

스킨바이브 | SkinVive

하나의 장비로 피부의 젋음을 되찾으세요. 맞춤형 치료로 최상의 결과를 경험하세요.

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Dermaster Med Spa in Koreatown, Los Angeles, specializes in advanced medical aesthetic skincare treatments for all skin types. With over 10 years of experience, our results-driven esthetic and laser treatments help you achieve a youthful appearance. Our expertise includes face lifting, body sculpting, and customized skincare programs and products.
With you as our primary focus, we will create a personalized treatment and home care plan that guarantees visible results while aligning with your budget and comfort preferences.

Follow us on Instagram

  • What is Skin Botox? (Dermotoxin)

🩷#Skinbotox is one of the lastest trends to come from Korea. 

Traditional botox prevents deep creases in the skin by weakening muscles in specific areas of the face, on the other hand, Skin Botox targets pores to create an all-over smoothing effect. 

Injects botulinum toxin into the skin. Effective for fine wrinkles on the face and for lifting sagging face 


3000 West Olympic Blvd #305, LA CA

#Skinbotox#pureface#medspa #babyface #antiaging#injections #botox#dermaster#losangeles#botox
  • 색소침착, 기미, 잡티 주근깨 지워버리는
피코 토닝 PICO TONING 🫧🫧🩵

피코토닝은 짧은 시간 동안 강한 에너지를 전달해 멜라닌 색소를 파괴하는 방식입니다. 기미, 주근깨, 잡티 등 색소 질환을 치료하는 데 특화된 시술이므로, 색소 고민이 있는 분들에게 적합합니다.

🌱 Pico toning uses short, high-energy pulses to break down melanin, effectively treating pigmentation issues like melasma, freckles, and blemishes. 
🌱Ideal for those with skin discoloration concerns.


제네시스 레이저는 피부 속까지 따뜻한 열을 전달해 피부 탄력을 높이고 홍조 완화에 효과적입니다.
특히 모공 축소와 잔주름 개선을 원하는 분들에게 적합한 시술입니다.

🌱Genesis laser delivers gentle heat deep into the skin, enhancing elasticity and reducing redness. 
🌱ideal for minimizing pores and improving fine lines.

피부 속부터 빛나는 맑은 피부를 만들어드립니다.

☎️ 213-814-8410
3000 West Olympic Blvd #305, LA CA

  • 더마스터에서 봄처럼 아름다워지세요



🎐Face Line


🎐Skin Botox

🪞Facial Care

🎐Acne Care

☎️ 213-814-8410
3000 West Olympic Blvd #305, LA CA

#exosome #chanel #hermes #benev #salmondna #skinbooster #ldm #ldmlifting #lifting #rejuvenation #rejuran #glowingskin #juvelook #babyface #koreatown #botox #filler #medspa #injections #tightening #elasticity #skinvive
  • 박나래가 추천하는 피부 시술은 ? 
Three Must - Have treatments recommended by Korean celebrity Na rae park

🍬탄력개선을 위해 일년에 두번! 울쎄라
 Ultherapy for twice a year !

🍬콜라겐 생성 유도에 도움이 되는 써마지
 Thermage for collagen stimulation

🍬잔주름 개선에 도움되는 스킨 보톡스
 Skin Botox for fine wrinkle reduction 

#DensitySkinTreatment #YouthfulGlow #PlumpSkin #HealthySkin #AntiAging #SkinRejuvenation #FlawlessSkin #CollagenBoost #SkinCare#써마지#스킨보톡스#skin#BeautyTreatment #SkinCareGoals #NonInvasive #GlowingComplexion #BeautyClinic #HydratedSkin #SmootherSkin#ultheraphy#울쎄라
  • Thank you for visiting Dermaster LA
Collab w/ @heidiisms 

✨✨Ultherapy : Lifting Laser✨✨

🩵 Reverse aging process

🩵 Rejuvenate your skin

🩵 Reduce wrinkles

👩🏻‍💻Call for free consultation
Dermaster LA Medical Aesthetic Clinic
3000 W. Olympic Blvd #305
Los Angeles, CA 90006
☎️ Tel: 213-816-4768
& 213-814-8410

#울쎄라 #덴서티 #울써마지 #신상레이저 #핫한레이저 #써마지4세대#ultherapy #dermaster #beautytreatments #losangeles
#oxygen #facial #botox #skinbooster #kbeauty #collagen #potenza
  • Hello My Spring Day 🩷💛 
🎀Happy Hour 10am-3pm Event 
213 814 8410 

🌼Salmon Sperm+Skin toxin $300 

🍀Inmode Fx Forma $300 

🌸 Pore Zero & Firm Skin 🌸 
    No.1 Potenza $1000  $600 

🌻Doble Chin Botox  $250 

🍀MLA Toning+ Exosome $500

🎀 더마스터 LA 🎀
☎️ 213 814 8410
  • Hello 안녕 나의봄 🩷💛 
Hello My Spring Day 🩷💛 
🎀Happy Hour 10am-3pm 
🎀Happy Hour 10시-3시Event 
213 814 8410 

🌼#연어주사 +광채톡신 $600 ➜ $300
🌼Salmon Sperm+Skin toxin $300 

🍀#인모드 Fx Forma $600➜ $300
🍀Inmode Fx Forma $300 

🌸탱탱 피부 & #모공 제로🌸 

 No.1 #포텐자$1000➜$600 
🌸 Pore Zero & Firm Skin 🌸 
    No.1 Potenza $1000  $600 

🌻턱밑 침샘 #보톡스 $250
🌻Doble Chin Botox  $250 

🍀MLA 토닝+ Exosome $1000➜$500
🍀MLA Toning+ Exosome $500

3000 W Olympic #305 LA

213 814 8410
  • Pico Laser is a non-surgical and versatile laser skin treatment that addresses common skin imperfections such as...
Prior to the start of the treatment, all queries and concerns will be addressed for total peace of mind. Wait no longer - get the spotless skin you’ve always dreamed of by booking a slot now! #PicoLaser

꿀광 윤광 피코 토닝💖 올킬 색소 👋🏻

💫Acne scars




💫Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

#PicoLaser #PicoSkinRejuvenation #FlawlessSkin #LaserTreatment #ClearSkin #AntiAging #BeautyTreatment #SkinGlow #PigmentationTreatment #LaserFacial #SkinCareGoals #NonInvasive #AestheticTreatments #SmoothSkin #LaserTechnology #SkinRenewal #BrightSkin #PicoLaserTreatment #YouthfulGlow #HealthySkin #RadiantComplexion #GlowUp #BeautyClinic
  • Barbie Tox👙🪽 Reduces shoulder tension, and discomfort 

🎐 Barbie Tox can improve posture and alleviate headaches caused by muscle tightness

🎐Slims the shoulders by relaxing your muscles.

🎐Ideal for those with enlarged or
bulky shoulders.

🎐Creates the appearance of a longer neck and straighter angled shoulders.

🎐Can reduce pain when you move your shoulders.



📍3000 W Olympic Blvd 305 Los Angeles, CA 90006

 #luxuryasthetics #엘에이바비톡스 #바비톡스 #메디스파 #메드스파#medspa #barbie


03/27/2025 Promotion

Woman face, eye wrinkles before and after treatment - the result of rejuvenating cosmetological procedures of biorevitalization, botox and pigment spots remova

Dermaster Density Popup background Lee Young Ae
  • Tightening & Wrinkles
  • Lifting Effect
  • Powerful Cooling Function
  • Custom Treatment by Area